The UNI EN ISO 3834 standard is a guide that defines the quality requirements for the correct management of the manufacturing process by welding. It is divided into 5 parts, divided as follows:
Part 1 – Guide for selection and use
Part 2 – Extended quality requirements
Part 3 – Normal quality requirements
Part 4 – Minimum quality requirements
Part 5 – Documents that must be complied with in order to declare
compliance with the quality requirements of ISO 3834-2, ISO 3834-3 or ISO
The standard is structured in such a way that it can be used for the manufacture, both in the workshop and on the construction site, of any type of construction welded by casting.
The main reasons that drive companies to adopt a management system compliant
with ISO 3834 are:
Definition of welding requirements; as a guideline for the verification /
qualification of suppliers of welded products, Definition and maintenance of
quality requirements for welding.
It defines the quality requirements for welding and is an internationally
recognized standard:
– as a guideline for the management of the “special
process” welding
– as integration of UNI EN ISO 9001
In relation to the European directives (PED, CPD, Simple Containers), it
constitutes a “presumption of conformity”.
It is mandatory for Steel Buildings (DM of 17/01/2018 Technical Standards
for Buildings published in the Official Gazette of 04/02/08).
The company can decide which part is applicable to its processes on the
basis of parts 2, 3 or 4, using part 1 of ISO 3834 for the choice, in
addition to the provisions of national legislation.
The system conforming to ISO 3834 can be subjected to verification of
conformity to the international standard by a Certification Body. The
certification process provides, after development and a suitable
implementation period within the company, for the management system; the
audit by the same Certification Body, through two phases conducted
In particular, the Phase 1 audit in which an analysis is conducted on the
compliance of the documentation prepared (manual, procedures, instructions)
and on compliance with the main applicable legislative requirements, Phase 2
during which the application and effectiveness are verified of the
implemented system. The Audit of the Certification Body is aimed at
assessing the compliance of the management system with the reference
standard with respect to a specific operating area indicated by the
organization (so-called “certification purpose”).